What's in a name?
Over 18 months and supported by an energetic, committed and experienced volunteer, Bristol Area Stroke Foundation has worked hard on developing a new and relevant name and identity. We believe that Bristol After Stroke puts our message out in a direct and comprehensible way.
It demonstrates our mission to give people the support they need - after stroke. The recent decision by Bristol City Council to cut funding entirely emphasised our need to invest in awareness raising, marketing and and fundraising as an independent local charity. We believe our new identity, as Bristol After Stroke, shows us to be a confident and sustainable organisation clear about what we offer to service users and partners, and relevant in our impact in the community.
Our people know better than most that a stroke occurs suddenly and without warning. With new and better treatments stroke mortality is reducing so many more people are surviving with their lives, and those of their loved ones, turned upside down. But recovery takes time and support – some people may need a long period of rehabilitation before they can recover their former independence, while many may not recover fully and will need help and support adjusting to living with the effects of their stroke. Bristol After Stroke steps in to provide information, assistance and support when a stroke survivor is back at home.
Thanks to John James Bristol Foundation for a generous donation to support the rebranding work.