We run monthly information sessions with our partners at Stroke HIT (Health Integration Team). 

These sessions are on a range of topics that our clients have told us they would find useful. They are held on Zoom on the last Thursday of the month

To sign up to get regular invites or to request a topic , contact us on [email protected]

How music can support rehabilitation after stroke

February 2025

This month we talked about how can music support rehabilitation after Stroke?

Laura Cook music therapist joined us to talk about how music can help with rehabilitation, motivation and wellbeing after stroke.

We learned about how music is processed in the brain, and how music therapists can use music and the brain’s ability to create new pathways after a stroke to support stroke survivors' movement, cognitive skills and communication.

We talked about the Bath Aphasia Choir and how singing together is changing the lives of people affected by aphasia, with the chance to have a go at some of our vocal exercises and join us in a singalong!

Click below to watch again:

Music Rehabilitation

Keeping Health & Minimising the risk of CVD

January 2025

This month’s session we talked about Heart Health – Keeping Healthy and minimising Risk of CVD

Tabinda Rashid-Fadel joined us, she is an experienced Cardiac Physiologist, who has worked clinically in the Bristol Heart Institute for 30 years. 

Since 2015 she has been leading the team at Accure HealthCare Consultancy to deliver a range of community-based projects, the most recent being the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention program for NHS England reaching into communities, focusing on health inequalities, and reducing the CVD risk for everyone.

Tabinda talked about General Heart health and how to reduce the risk of cardiovascular risk and how to adjust our lifestyle to improve our over heart health.

The session also focussed on understanding key areas related to reducing Stroke risk.

Click below to watch again.

Heart Health – Keeping Healthy and minimising Risk of CVD

Visual Changes following stroke

December 2024

In this months session we had Specialist Occupational Therapist Nicki Derrick lead our session on why vision can change after a stroke.

In this session we covered:

*  How a disruption in the visual pathway after a stroke can cause a vision issue

What the most common visual issues after stroke are.

*  What therapy & support is available to maximise independence, safety and well-being

Nikki focused on 2 of the most common visual issues- visual field loss (more specifically,  hemianopia) and double vision (diplopia).

Click below to watch again

Visual changes after stroke

Thinking skills following a stroke

November 2024

This month’s session we talked about thinking skills (cognition) following a stroke.

 Dr Amy Zarandi is a Clinical Psychologist working in a Stroke Neuropsychology  talked about different aspects of cognition (thinking skills) and cognitive changes that can occur following a stroke.

We covered factors that can contribute to cognitive difficulties and how different thinking skills influence each other, for example, how attention and concentration can impact memory, sharing general strategies that can support individuals with cognitive difficulties.

Click below to watch this session.

Thinking skills following stroke

The impact of incontinence following a stroke

October 2024

This month we had Nikki Cotterill, Professor of Nursing in Continence Care, UWE, Bladder and Bowel Confidence Health Integration Team BABCON HIT Director, Bristol Health Partners join us.

Nikki talked  about the sensitive area of the impact of bladder or bowel leakage (incontinence) which can occur following a stroke

We talked Understanding bladder and bowel leakage following stroke, the Impact of bladder and bowel leakage and What might help to improve leakage and how to manage symptoms

Click the link to watch again:

Incontinence following Stroke

Healthy Eating post Stroke

September 2024

In this months session we had Ruth Hancock, Senior Specialist Dietitian, Diabetes and Nutrition Service (DANS),  from Sirona Care & Health join us to talk about Healthy eating post stroke 

We had a overview of recommendations for a healthy diet, understanding a cardioprotective diet, and thinking about how to successfully make changes to your diet to improve your health and reduce your health risks.

Click below to watch this session.

Healthy eating post stroke

Impact of Relationships following Stroke

June 2024

This month we had Stephanie Davis, Clinical Psychologist from the Stroke Psychology Service at Southmead Hospital join us to talk about the Impact of Relationships following stroke.

Steph talked about the sensitive area of the impact on personal relationships following a stroke:

* Impact on the family system e.g. change of roles and relational dynamics
* Impact on friendships
* Impact on intimate relationships

Click the link to watch again.

Relationship After Stroke

Managing High Muscle tone and spasticity

23rd April 2024

This months session we talked about understanding and managing high muscle tone and spasticity in Stroke”.

Rob Jones Stroke Specialist Physio and Team Lead and Madeline Redfern Physiotherapist South Bristol Community Hospital talked about this important issue and we had questions at the end.

Managing High Muscle tone and spasticity

Lyra Festival 

28th March 2024

This Stroke HIT session is part of the Bristol LYRA - Bristol Poetry Festival. We talked about aphasia, the workshops we have run funded by the Festival and how the creative arts can help with post-stroke recovery. Our group members  performed the poetry and art that have created from the workshops.

Aphasia is a communication disability which affects someone’s ability to speak, write, read or understand. About a third of all people who have a stroke will be affected by aphasia.

Lyra is Bristol’s annual poetry festival. Lyra brings together local, national and international poets and speakers representing Bristol as a centre of world class poetry

Their aim is to showcase poetry in the widest range of forms possible, we are so proud to be part of this festival and helping demonstrate how powerful the creative process can be in supporting people to express themselves after stroke related Aphasia.

This work is being led by Hazel Hammond a poet, stroke affected person and someone who lives with aphasia you can read about her fascinating recovery story here: Hazels Story

Lyra Festival Video

Life After Stroke - Benefits of work following a stroke

February 2024

This month’s session we talked about the benefits of work following a stroke.

 Emma Taylor, occupational therapist, discussed the benefits of work following a stroke, and how even early rehabilitation can support your vocational goals.

 She also talked about some things that should be considered when planning a return to work to maximise success. 

Benefits of returning to work


Life After Stroke - Welfare Benefits following a stroke.

25th January 2024

Luke Albarran, Welfare benefits team leader from North Bristol Advice Centre provided an overview of Welfare Benefits for people (following a stroke) who are both in and out of work. 

The session covered common pitfalls when filling in forms and where to seek further advice.

Welfare & Benefits after Stroke

Robotics and Neurotechnology in stroke rehabilitation

November 2023

Ali Gomes da Silva, Lead Physiotherapist, Bristol Intensive Neurotherapy Centre, Hobbs Rehabilitation gave an overview of the role of robotics and neurotechnology in stroke rehabilitation.

Ali talked about the background as to why we might use neurotechnology within rehab to increase intensity, looking at the different types of robots and their benefits, and at what the research says to support this approach to treatment. 

We also had a short case study showing how technology helped one stroke patient achieve his goals.

Robotics and neurotechnology in stroke rehabilitation

The emotional and psychological changes after stroke.

October 2023

After stroke, people often have emotional changes such as lower mood, increased anxiety, increased frustration, reduced motivation. There are many reasons these emotional changes occur and many different ways to help manage them.

Dr Pippa Hodson is an NHS Clinical Psychologist in Neuropsychology who works with people who have had strokes to support them with emotional adjustment after stroke. She spoke to us about the role of biological, psychological, cognitive and social factors that can impact the emotional wellbeing of stroke survivors. 

She also touched base on self-support strategies as well as how to access professional help and support.

The emotional and psychological changes after stroke

Improving sleep after Stroke

September 2023

In this month session we talked about Improving Sleep in Rehabilitation After Stroke.

Dr Matthew Weightman, Post-doctoral Researcher, and Barbara Robinson, Research Assistant from the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (WIN) in Oxford,  joined us to speak about the role of sleep in recovery and what research already tells us and a new study they are undertaking that stroke affected people can get involved with.

Sleep after Stroke

Understanding brain plasticity in rehabilitation

July 2023

“Brain Plasticity” is a vital part of stroke recovery and rehabilitation, but what is it, and can we do anything to harness it and improve recovery after stroke?

In this session, Phil Clatworthy, stroke consultant and researcher, will discuss brain plasticity, explaining what it is and how it is important for everyday learning as well as recovery from stroke. 

He will describe how understanding brain plasticity can practically help rehabilitation and recovery from stroke.

Brain Plasticity

Upper Limb Rehabilitation

June 2023

Approximately 70% of people experience loss of arm function after a stroke, and this persists for about 40%.

Recovery of the arm is varied from person to person and is largely dependent on the initial degree of weakness and severity of stroke. This session explores the clinical guidelines for stroke and some of the research relating to upper limb rehab at different stages of recovery.

The session is led by Laura Smith, Senior Physiotherapist, South Bristol Rehabilitation Unit.

The links referred to in the presentation are: Sensation Rehab Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKkoWCacbgQ

NICE Guidelines 2023:


Upper Limb Rehabilitation

Sex & Relationships

May 2023

There are many changes that happen after stroke. Relationships and intimacy are an often-overlooked topic when recovering from stroke.

This online session explores some of the research relating to relationships, sex, and intimacy after stroke.

Presenter: Claire Fullbrook-Scanlon, Senior Lecturer, UWE Bristol, Senior Nurse Clinical Academic RUH Bath NHS Foundation Trust and Stroke HIT Education Workstream Lead

Sex & Relationships after Stroke

Centre for Sustainable Energy

April 2023

This month we had the charity Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE)  join us to talk about  to tackle the climate emergency and end the suffering caused by cold homes.

In this session Zora Paschke Senior Project Worker from CSE talked about energy advice.

One of CSE’s key roles is to help local households understand their energy use, improve the energy performance of their homes, and develop more sustainable behaviours

They currently offer free energy advice services for the West of England and Somerset area, with targeted additional support for more vulnerable Households

They also help people find suitable insulation schemes and any grants available to upgrade their homes, in partnership with local authorities, contractors and energy suppliers.

Centre of Sustainable Energy (CSE)

Stroke & Diabetes

March 2023

We had a Diabetes Nurse and a Dietician from Sirona join us , along with a Peer mentor coordinator from the Diabetes Mentoring scheme at Brigstowe Project to discuss: 

  1. What is Diabetes
  2. How it affects us
  3. What lifestyle choices we can make to improve how we live with diabetes

We also talked about about a pioneering scheme that supports people who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes across Bristol, South Glos and North Somerset

Living with Type 2 Diabetes

Evolv Rehabilitation Technology

February 2023

In this session we will talked about a local feasibility study using a virtual therapy system called EvolvRehab, as part of Early Supported Discharge rehabilitation services provided by different NHS sites to stroke survivors at home. 
An important element of the project is meeting with stroke survivors and their carers to present EvolvRehab in order to get feedback that will help shape the solution to successfully meet their needs.
EvolvRehab is developed for stroke survivors to improve quality of movement through exergaming. It provides home-based rehabilitation services helping to reduce the pressure on NHS resources and to those in rural or remote areas. It hardware connected to a TV to provide repetitive, engaging, virtual reality-based exercises. It is currently being tested with stroke survivors and researchers from the University of Exeter in collaboration with different NHS sites and charities across the UK.

Evolve - Rehab Study Video

Stroke Transformation Service

January 2023

Stroke services within Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are being transformed so that everyone within the area has the best opportunity to survive and thrive after stroke

In this session, Catherine RoweStroke Implementation Programme Manager, talks about what the future will look like for stroke, and the steps we are taking to realise the vision.

Stroke Services Transformation

Life After Stroke - Stroke Carers

December 2022

In this session we will look at carers rights and support for Carers.

The session will be led by Jan Mussi, Senior Carers Support Officer

Jan has worked at Carers Support Centre for 22 years, providing one-to-one support, advice and advocacy to adult carers across Bristol and South Gloucestershire. The charity provides a wide range of free services for carers and works strategically to raise the profile of carers and to improve the support and services that carers receive.

Jan talked about Carers rights and we had a question and answer session around support available to carers.

Carers Support Centre Talk

Stroke & Common Medications

November 2022

In this session we will looked at Stroke and common medications.

The session was be led by Claire Fullbrook-Scanlon, Senior Nurse Clinical Academic from the RUH & Senior lecturer with UWE.

Clare shared information about medications, and we talked about:

  1. Why we take them
  2. What they do 
  3. How they can effect us. 

Claire also talked about lifestyle choices that can keep us well.  Click on the link below to watch this months session.

Stroke & Common Medications

World Stroke Day - Stroke Survivors stories

October 2022

This months session was around World Stroke Day and was a session on Stroke survivors talking about their story.

Jenny, Hazel & Dominique all share their experience of having a stroke and their recovery journey, and answer questions from other people who have had strokes and health & social care professionals.

Guests were also able share some of their experiences.

Stroke Survivors Stories

Blood Pressure Treatment & Management

October 2022

In this session we talked about Blood Pressure Management and Treatment and the session was run by Dr Chinedu Nkole from the Stroke Neurology Team, North Bristol NHS Trust. 

During this session we covered:   

1. What is Blood pressure 

2. Why does it matter 

3.What can be done to reduce or manage Blood pressure

Blood Pressure Treatment & Management Video

Power of Attorney

September 2022

In this session Jacqui Lazare Senior Associate at Claire Willmott Solicitors talks about Power of Attorney. 

 A power of attorney is a legal document that allows someone to make decisions for you, or act on your behalf, if you're no longer able to or if you no longer want to make your own decisions.  Jacqui talks though what’s involved and why it is so important.   

We also discuss what happens if you don’t  have a power of attorney and some of the complications this can cause.

Power of Attorney Video

Driving after Stroke

May 2022

The session covers the practicalities of returning to driving after a stroke: 

  1.  Visual impairment. 
  2. When you can drive after having a stroke Who needs to approve your driving again 
  3. When/if you need to contact the DVLA about your stroke 
  4. What you should do about contacting your insurance 
  5. What adaptations may be available for your car and motability scheme. 

Dr Lauren Hepworth, Post-doctoral Orthoptic Research Fellow, Liverpool University 

 Eddie Ruskin, Bristol After Stroke

Driving After Stroke Video

Healthy Eating & Stroke - Sue Baic

January 2022

Sue Baic is a Registered Dietitian who has worked with Bristol After Stroke on our Next Steps programme.  In this video, Sue talks about Healthy Eating and Stroke offering helpful guidance and advice. 

In this video Sue talks about:

  • Healthy Eating & how might it help with life after stroke
  • What to do if you want to lose some weight
  • What to do if you have poor appetite or have lost too much weight
  • A quick word about swallowing difficulties

Click the link below to watch the video.

Healthy Eating & Stroke Video

Bristol After Stroke is registered in England and Wales under Charity Company Number: 11841993 and Charity Number: 1182124 at The Gatehouse Centre, Hareclive Road, Hartcliffe, Bristol, BS13 9JN. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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