Six-month Review
All people in Bristol & South Gloucestershire are entitled to a 6 month review.
This is a structured, supportive and holistic look back at your recovery progress 6 months after your stroke .The reviews are conducted by our knowledgeable key workers. They are an ideal opportunity to celebrate the recovery you have made so far and identify any issues and aspects of your rehabilitation you would like to develop further and address. They can cover social, emotional, physical, practical and financial aspects of your life. Key workers can help to identify services, organisations or support that would be useful to you in your daily life.
SSNAP (Stroke Sentinel National Audit Programme)
With your permission, we use some of the information from your six month review to update the Stroke Sentinel National Audit Programme (SSNAP). This is a national system which helps NHS England track stroke care across the country and to improve services for people who have had stroke. Find out more here: SSNAP Website
Contact us to request a Six-Month Review